TPG Online Daily

11 Riders Acquire Scores in Round 2 of the PBR World Finals

After placing second in round one JB Mauney collides with Smackdown in round two for a 93.75 and manages to pull first place in the overall world standings by 30.75 points over two time world champion Silvano Alves. LJ Jenkins was able to hang on to Meat Hook for a two bull total of 175.75 pulling him into second place going into round three. Guilherme Marchi rode Tarantino for a two bull total of 173.75, Ty Pozzobon rode Western Hauler bringing his two bull total to 171.75. Silvano Alves rode YOYO for a two bull total of 1663.25 and puts him in fifth going into round three.

Round 2 Results:

1. JB Mauney 93.75

2. Joao Ricardo Vieira 91.00

3. Brant Atwood 90.75

4. LJ Jenkins 89.75

5. Silvano Alves 89.50

6. Kody Lostroh 87.50

7. Jory Markiss 86.75

8/10. Guilherme Marchi 86.25

8/10. Valderon De Oliveira 86.25

8/10. Ty Pozzobon 86.25

11. Gustavo Pedrero 83.75


Overall Top 5 Standings:

1. JB Mauney 182.50

2. LJ Jenkins 175.75

3. Guilherme Marchi 173.75

4. Ty Pozzobon 171.75

5. Silvano Alves 163.25


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