Presented by the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District
First place winner Clark, age 7, will have his artwork on the cover of the Headways, which is METRO’s publication of the bus schedules and other agency information. Additionally, his artwork will be displayed inside all of METRO’s buses.
Five third place winners, Olivia, age 4, Elliot, age 7, Harlow, age 8, Madeline, age 9, and Jose, age 10, will have their artwork displayed inside all METRO’s buses.
In addition to displaying their artwork, the children received a prize envelope with various goodies, sponsored by local merchants. METRO thanks Mission Hill Creamery, Boardwalk Bowl, Woodstock Pizza, Penny Ice Creamery, Lenz Arts, Pacific Cookie Company, and Palace Arts for their generous donations.
METRO provides fixed-route and Highway 17 commuter service to Santa Cruz County, transporting about 5.5 million passenger trips a year. METRO also provides paratransit service to Santa Cruz County with its ParaCruz service, providing about 98,000 trips per year. METRO’s operating budget in FY17 is $47 million.