TPG Online Daily

Aromas Garden Tour — Seeing is Believing

By Joyce Oroz

AromasGardenTour_FullSizeRender Seeing is Believing Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comLocal authors in the garden? What’s that about? It’s just about time for the annual Aromas Garden Tour to get underway. Saturday, May 7, nine Aromas gardens will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local authors, Debra Smith and Joyce Oroz will be available in Garden #3 to sign their latest books. Debra writes a fantasy series for teens and pre-teens and Joyce writes a mystery series for the general public.

Having reviewed the chosen gardens, I must say they are splendid, each in they’re own way. The rains have turned the Aromas hills green and the gardens are bursting with buds and flowers. As you walk a shady path or sit on a sunny bench, you will see artists in every garden. They will answer questions and demonstrate new techniques and materials.

The art mediums range from fused glass to hand-carved Santas, to ceramic sculpture, mosaics, silver jewelry, laser etchings, felted wool accessories, stained glass, bird-nesting boxes, artful succulents, fresh water pearl jewelry, collage, beaded jewelry, greeting cards, crochet & sun hats, oil paintings and books by local authors.

We encourage you to enjoy your day exploring gardens and shopping for Mother’s Day presents. Join us at the Aromas Grange, corner of Rose Ave. and Bardue Ave., where tickets are just $15.00 or $10.00 for seniors, Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions. Remember, the gardens close at four.

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