TPG Online Daily

A Wheelchair to Dance In

By Betwixt Jones-Cruz

Editor’s note: Students at Scotts Valley High School produced a miracle this holiday season: They got 160 donations raising $11,265 on to buy an up-to-date wheelchair for their drama teacher, Kendra Kannegaard.


As the New Year creeps around the corner, we have surpassed our goal of $10,000 by nearly $2,000.

Kendra has been updated on every part of this journey since she found out about the fundraiser, and every time I bring it up to her she becomes speechless, as do I. It’s incredible to me that a community can come together so quickly to do something for a beloved, and necessary part of the Scotts Valley High School family.

Wheelchair Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comSome may question why the GoFundMe was left open after reaching our second goal of $10,000, and that’s because after discussing costs with Kendra, I presumed that in order to fully cover her wheelchair, with top-of-the-line equipment and no money out of her own pocket, we would need to raise around $12,000 — which would cover the frame, carbon fiber backrest, wheels, and anything else needed to make this new wheelchair one she can enjoy and be comfortable in.

Something that Kendra once told me that sparked my initial inspiration for this fundraiser was her telling me, “I want a wheelchair I can dance in.”

And in less than two weeks we have successfully done what needed to be done to remind Kendra that despite her struggles, despite her hardships, she is loved by entire cities, willing to help her in a time of need.

By the time this article is published, the GoFundMe will be closed for donations, because we simply do not need any more.

I, a student of Kendra’s, and the creator of this fundraiser, am beyond grateful to everyone involved with helping me do this for her. I could have done this anonymously and been just as happy with the outcome — seeing Miss K thrive is what keeps us going as her students.

Kendra Kannegaard and her class view the progress of the fundraising for her new wheelchair.

I cannot find words to express my gratitude to those who donated, shared, and spread the word about what we, together, have done.

Kendra herself has said, “It’s not all about the money, it’s about the fact that these kids took the time and energy to do something like this, and I’m so lucky to have them as my students.”

For me personally, this was not about the money.

Although I am eternally grateful for it, and the fact that our very cherished Miss K will be able to care for herself, it’s more about her realizing how much she means to us.

Us being, her students, her friends, her family, her fiancé …

Without meeting Kendra, I never would have dreamed of being where I am now. She truly has saved me, and no amount of money will be enough to show her that.

As a theater department, we consider Kendra our family. We thank you for being apart of this journey with us, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without your support.


To read more about Miss K, see

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