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The Bear Necessities

The following poems are all written by students in Miss Grable’s third grade class at Rio del Mar Elementary School.

Cienna Salles-Cunha

Polar Bears

Polar Bears are one of the eight different species of bears. Polar bears reproduce by having one to three cubs at a time. The mother takes care of them for six months. They have long claws, black skin, see through fur and they are the largest land-dwelling carnivores on earth. They eat mostly seals and walruses. The adaptations of a polar bear are that they have strong jaws that can crush bone. They have webbed front paws. Polar bears survive by not eating for five days at a time. They also have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm. Polar bears are amazing animals!

Eli Hunter

Spectacled Bear

Spectacled bears are one of the eight species of bears. They reproduce by having one to three cubs at a time. The mother takes care of them for six months. They also give live birth. Their traits are they have a unique pattern on their face. They have brown or black shaggy coats of fur. The adaptations of spectacled bears are that they have very good eyesight for spotting their prey or spotting humans or predators that will eat them or hunt them. Spectacled bears survive by living in South America and are the only native bear in South America. Humans kill them for sport, medicine and meat. Spectacled bears weigh 113 kilograms or 250 pounds. They are 1.5 meters in length. The smallest bear is the sun bear. The biggest bear is the polar bear. Bears are one of the best creatures in the world!

Grace Hajduk-Dorworth

Brown Bear

Brown bears are one of the eight different species of bears. Brown bears reproduce by having cubs. They have one to three cubs at a time. The mother takes care of them for six months. The mother takes care of her cubs by herself because the father will sometimes eat the cubs. The traits of a brown bear are they have a hump on their back. Brown bears can weigh up to 550 pounds. They are the most widely distributed bear of all. Brown bears may have white or silver coloring on the tips of their fur. They are also extremely fast even though they are big. The adaptations of a brown bear are they eat almost anything like meat, grass, roots and berries. They are also extremely fast so they can catch up to their prey. Brown bears survive by eating about anything they can find. Brown bears are amazing animals!

Jackson Millar

Giant Panda

Pandas are one of the eight different species of bears. Pandas reproduce by having one to three cubs at a time and the mother bear takes care of the cubs for one to six months. The traits of a panda are that they have an extra thumb that is actually a wrist bone that has a pad on it. They are also well known for their black and white fur. The adaptations of a panda are that they have an extra thumb that is used for gripping bamboo. Another fact is their black and white fur can be used as camouflage. Pandas survive by eating almost only bamboo and they climb bamboo to escape from predators. Pandas are amazing animals!

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