The Capitola Begonia Festival Committee is invites all local artists to submit an
The Committee has selected “Beach Blanket Begonias” as the theme for 2015. Although the artwork does not necessarily have to include the theme, selection does traditionally favor it. A list of all past themes and posters can be found on the website at if the artist would like some historical reference.
The finished poster will measure 18” by 24” and both vertical and horizontal images will be considered. All mediums will be accepted. The Begonia Festival Committee will select the graphics for the poster. Very often, in addition to the poster art, finished art may be used in production of collateral materials, advertising, and apparel.
If selected, the artist will be asked to sign a waiver allowing the Begonia Festival to use all or part of his/her art on the various pieces associated with the Festival. By providing the Capitola Begonia Festival the rights to use the artwork for posters, merchandising, and publicity, the selected artist will receive a $500 check, 75 of the posters the Capitola Begonia Festival produces for sale, and a bio write-up in the Begonia Festival program and website. The Committee is grateful and honored to all artists that submit to the 2015 Begonia Festival.
Delivery of submissions to the Capitola Chamber of Commerce, 716-G Capitola Ave, Capitola, CA, will be required during the week of March 27th – April 3rd.
It would be helpful to the Committee (but not required) if the artist would notify their intention to submit an artwork. For notices, and any questions about submissions and delivery details, please contact: Gail Wingert at 831-295-1622 or email: