By Jondi Gumz
For decades, Capitola Beach was the place where many families spent Labor Day Weekend, enjoying the last days of summer.
Crossing the beach to access the ocean will be allowed, and the water will remain open at all times for activity and water sports.
On Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 6 and 7, the beach will be open from 6 to 8 p.m. only.
Similar beach closures will be enforced at all Santa Cruz County and city of Santa Cruz beaches — and for the same reason, preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Labor Day traditionally brings in a huge influx of visitors to the beaches in Capitola and the rest of Santa Cruz County, which is what officials want to avoid this year.
The City of Capitola staff expect a $1.5 million shortfall due to the health crisis and “shelter in place” order this year on top of $4.5 million in budget cuts.
To read the Emergency Order outlining this beach closure, see