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Cesar Chavez Middle School Receives $20,000 Grant

Innovative Computer Science Curriculum by Project Lead The Way

Cesar Chavez Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comIn the fall of 2018 students at Cesar Chavez Middle School will soon have access to computer science courses that will give them an advantage in their education and future careers.

The opportunity is made possible through a partnership between the Verizon Foundation and Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a nonprofit organization that provides transformative learning experiences for K- 12 students and teachers through K-12 pathways in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science. Cesar Chavez joins more than 10,500 schools across the U.S. in offering PLTW programs to students.

Cesar Chavez is one of 72 schools across the country receiving part of a $3 million grant provided by the Verizon Foundation for implementation of PLTW computer science curriculum. The program helps students develop the in-demand knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the rapidly advancing, technology-based economy.

Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, superintendent, stated, “We are fortunate to have community partners, such as PLTW and Verizon, that recognize the need and the value of computer science pathways. The term “techquity” highlights the importance of having equity in access to technology for students. Cesar Chavez is thrilled to have this grant to develop a powerful computer science program.”

“Project Lead The Way is committed to preparing our nation’s next generation of problem–solvers and innovators,” said PLTW President and CEO Vince Bertram. “In partnership with Verizon, we are significantly increasing the number of students who have access to high-quality computer science education and will be prepared for these growing career opportunities.”

The grant funds will be disbursed over a two-year period to offset startup costs associated with implementing the units. They will also support professional development for teachers and provide schools with equipment including tablets and software.

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is a nonprofit organization that provides a transformative learning experience for K-12 students and teachers across the U.S. More than 10,500 elementary, middle, and high schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia offer PLTW programs.


For more information on Project Lead The Way, visit

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