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CHP Announces Santa Cruz DUI Checkpoint

Motorists Encouraged to Designate a Driver

December 28th 2013 starting at 9 am

In an effort to combat the losses caused by impaired driving, the Santa Cruz Area California Highway Patrol will be conducting a DUI (driving under the influence) checkpoint, aggressively seeking those who are driving impaired.

It is the CHP’s goal to use this enforcement tool to assist with the reduction of injury and fatal collisions caused by DUI, primarily drunk drivers.

2011 statistics show that 802 people were killed as the result of an alcohol-related collision in California. 12,554 people were also injured and the CHP arrested over 90,000 people that same year.

The CHP want to remind drivers that the best way to avoid becoming a statistic is to plan for a designated driver when alcohol is part of your plans for an outing. Also, your best defense against other impaired drivers is to make sure you are wearing your seatbelt. Buckle Up!


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