TPG Online Daily

Citywide Block Parties

Have you been thinking about getting your neighbors together? Would you like to have no cars on your block for a nice afternoon? Invite you neighbors to come out on your block and have fun! will help you achieve this rewarding experience.

Block Parties Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comSanta Cruz Neighbors, Inc. is encouraging the residents of Santa Cruz to participate in the 10th annual Santa Cruz Neighbors’ City-wide Block Parties, to be held Sunday, September 29 anytime from noon to 8 pm. Participation from the City of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Police Department, Fire Department and other City Departments along with UC Santa Cruz are planning to visit Neighbors’ Block Parties that day.

Block Party Leads should submit your application as soon as you have your team assembled. Have team member(s) join you in contacting everyone living on your block(s). You want them to receive a personal face-to-face, invitation. You must have their buy in to avoid ‘day of’ conflicts such as no parking areas, blocked driveways and other access issues etc.

Santa Cruz will help getting your City Permit (music is included in the permit), providing ‘City’ guests, creating a flyer, and providing barricades for you to pick up and much more! Please go to for all the support you need.

Please note that you should have your flyer created so that you can leave at door if no one is home. Please go back and recontact neighbors who were not home. Some Neighborhoods have also designed and printed up door hangers to leave on cars with the street closed day and times!

We can help you with these ideas.

Santa Cruz Neighbors 11th Annual Block Party
Sunday, September 29, 2019
(It’s never too early to start planning for this event!)

You choose your block-party times, anywhere between noon to 8 p.m. We have found out that the best start is 2-3 pm as neighbors are more readily available after their home duties and set up times aren’t so early.

Your street, driveway, yard, two blocks! There are street closure requirements.

More neighbors involved make less work for all. Make it as simple as just come out with your tables and chairs. Bring a dish to share.

The children get to play in the street and there could be more organized games. You create a time to visit with your neighbors and catch up with news and even safety issues.


Contact us at or call 831 423-0745

Santa Cruz Neighbors is a citywide 501c3 non-profit since 2001 that helps a network of neighborhoods to partner with, local government, educational institutions, and local businesses, and non-profits dedicated to safer neighborhoods, a Community oriented government and provides a neighborhood voice for the residents of Santa Cruz.

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