Funds Will Aid Residents Displaced By CZU August Lightning Complex Fires
The Community Foundation Santa Cruz County has established the Fire Response Fund to support those affected by the CZU August Lightning Complex Fires. Donations to the fund will be distributed to nonprofit agencies and organizations directly assisting individuals to meet needs as they arise.
“Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by these fires,” said Community Foundation CEO Susan True. “We have been in touch with leaders from Davenport Resource Service Center and Valley Churches United and we are aware that safe evacuations of frail seniors, people without transportation, and others at risk is the highest priority.”
She added, “We have faced extraordinary challenges this year. Most of us are already frayed and this is scary. We are grateful to our firefighters, the Sheriff’s Office, Jason Hoppin, the County’s public information officer, our local news outlets, disaster service workers, and all of those working tirelessly to keep Santa Cruz County residents safe during these terrible fires. The fires are yet another time for us to come together, check on a neighbor, get resourceful, give generously, and be kind and gentle with each other. Our community, each other — it’s what we have.”
The Community Foundation was created to meet disaster with generosity and action. In times like this, giving locally is especially critical. To learn more or help with the Fire Response Fund, visit