TPG Online Daily

County Sheriff Roundup

Neighbor Finds, Returns Stolen Weed Whacker

While we at the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department would appreciate if no one stole from our community members, we do LOVE when they get their property back.

One County resident had her shed broken into and some gardening tools stolen earlier this week. Thankfully, a neighbor several doors down found her weed whacker and returned it as deputies were taking the report!

Stolen Dog Returned After Seven Months

Yesterday Sheriff’s deputies were able to return Mila, the French Bulldog to her owners after being stolen from the victim’s home in Marina back in October.

Sheriff Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe victim’s alerted deputies they knew where Mila was and Deputy Cone contacted a potential suspect. Animal Control came with Deputy Cone to meet the suspect and the dog so they could check for a microchip.

Sure enough, it was Mila!

After our deputies gave Mila lots of love, Deputy Cone brought her to her owners.

Tail-wagging and tongue out, Mila was reunited with her family.

Nearly seven months had passed and this family never gave up on finding their pup, welcome home Mila!

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