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County Uses Cameras to Catch Dumpers

The County of Santa Cruz announces surveillance cameras are being installed at key locations in unincorporated areas to help prevent illegal dumping.

This is part of the county’s strategy to protect the environment and make Santa Cruz County the cleanest in California.

Illegal dumping costs local taxpayers nearly half a million dollars annually in cleanup costs, according to county Public Works spokeswoman Tiffany Martinez.

Everyone in the County pays for the cost of cleanups. For every dollar spent to clean up an illegal dumpsite, that’s one less dollar available for other programs.

If a dumpsite is not cleaned up immediately, more people will add their garbage to the pile. Illegal dumpsites attract vermin, kill vegetation and destroy habitat, and contribute to water pollution.

Fines and penalties for illegal dumping start at $100 for first time violations. The fine increases to $200 for second offenses and $500 for the third violation within one year.

Surveillance cameras have been installed at three locations. Violators caught on camera face fines along with restitution costs. Cameras are operational, and enforcement efforts are underway. Additional camera locations are under consideration, according to Martinez.

Residents are encouraged to use the GreenWaste Bulky Item Collection Program, Overages Program, or recyclables collection program which offers three free pickups per year for GreenWaste customers living in unincorporated Santa Cruz County.

The Bulky Item Collection Program allows for the proper disposal of large items such as furniture and appliances.


To schedule a pickup, contact GreenWaste at: or by phone at (831) 426-2711. Learn more at:

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