TPG Online Daily

Deadline to Apply for Civil Grand Jury Approaching

Civil Grand Jury Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe Superior Court of Santa Cruz County is seeking applications to become a member of the Santa Cruz County Civil Grand Jury and the deadline is approaching. The Civil Grand Jury is an historic institution and serves an important role in local society. Serving on the Civil Grand Jury gives residents of Santa Cruz County a unique opportunity to have a significant impact on local government.

The 19-member Civil Grand Jury is an independent body empowered to investigate the operations of city and county governments as well as other tax-supported agencies and special districts.

They also respond to citizen complaints on government issues. Applicants for the grand jury must be United States citizens, at least 18 years of age, have a working knowledge of the English language, and have resided in the county for at least one year.

All qualified citizens interested in serving on the 2019-2020 Civil Grand Jury are invited to apply to the Superior Court of Santa Cruz County for consideration.

For applications and more information, please visit the Superior Court’s website at or visit either the Santa Cruz or Watsonville Courthouse to pick up an application. All applications must be received by 3:00 pm on Friday, April 19, 2019.


For questions, please contact the Superior Court Jury Commissioner’s Office by email at

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