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Exceptional Generosity

Holiday Food Drive at Twin Lakes Church Raises Record 1.8 Million Meals

In six weeks, Twin Lakes Church in Aptos has raised a record amount in the Second Harvest Food Bank holiday food drive, surpassing all expectations in a year with a pandemic and devastating wildfires.

Generosity Times Publishing Group Inc

Pastor Rene Schlaepfer tells Second Harvest executive director Willy Elliot McCrea the good news.

On Sunday, Nov. 22, Pastor Rene Schlaepfer announced to the congregation they raised $428,949.09 for the food drive. Since the food bank can buy four meals with every dollar, that means 1,715,796 meals.

“We always hope to kick off Second Harvest’s holiday food and fund drive with a splash, but I never expected to bring in this much,” Schlaepfer said.

This is the largest holiday food donation Second Harvest has ever received. The previous record was in 2017, when Plantronics (now Poly) raised $319,000.

After Schlaepfer made the announcement, Willy Elliot McCrea, executive director of Second Harvest Food Bank, who was watching remotely, said he was “speechless … absolutely floored.”

Then he said, “That is going to make such a huge impact for so many families. Since the COVID crisis began, and then the fires created more need, food distributions in Santa Cruz County have doubled.”

This year’s holiday food drive goal is 4.5 million meals; all funds raised during the drive provide food to distribute at 165 partner locations, mostly nonprofits and churches.

The congregation’s participation was enthusiastic and heartfelt, said Schlaepfer, who shared a handwritten note from one member: “Dear Twin Lakes Church, Over the months of our church being closed, we’ve been so grateful to join TLC online. My children wanted to contribute their allowance to the food drive. I hope and pray you can reach our goal of one million meals! In Christ, Michelle Leavitt.” The envelope contained $100 in cash.

Donors were apparently undaunted by the pandemic, which has resulted in many church activities to be held virtually, or by other disruptions including the devastating recent wildfires.

“I hope the congregation never forgets this moment, that in the midst of these exceptionally troubled times, exceptional generosity and love are still possible,” said Schlaepfer. “Hope is still possible. We are all in this together. All is not lost.”

Twin Lakes Church began participating in the Holiday Food Drive in 2006. Total donations were $947.70.

Schlaepfer recounted how the holiday food drive took off at Twin Lakes after that:

“The next year, we were studying the love of God, and I became convinced that our church needed to show that we truly do love our neighbors. So I challenged the church to increase our food drive participation, and I think we went to about $12,500, or 50,000 meals. We were so excited. Then someone in a church hallway challenged me after the service and said, ‘I don’t think God wants us to settle for that. We should try for one million meals!’ And we did. We did not achieve that goal right away, but we have for a few years now.”

He added, “This year, knowing how many families in the church are hurting, I really hesitated to make a million meals our goal. I did somewhat reluctantly, with the disclaimer that I knew many people could not contribute. I never, ever expected to raise this amount. I always hope our entire Santa Cruz County community sees the love of God showing through the church in practical ways. I think this helps.”


To participate in the holiday food drive, go to

Editor’s Note: Valerie Webb at Twin Lakes Church reports more donations have come in since Pastor Rene made his announcement Sunday, and the new total raised is $469,275.72, which will provide 1,877,102 meals.

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