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Farm Bureau Honors Panetta for Supporting Ag

With local County Farm Bureaus, American Farm Bureau has honored U.S. Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) as a Friend of Farm Bureau for his support of agriculture during the two-year legislative session.

Jimmy Pannetta

The Friend of Farm Bureau Award is presented to 10 members of congress who have advocated for and protected the interest of Agriculture in their legislative work.

While American Farm Bureau’s scoring rubric was much more limited due to a rather unproductive legislative session, Panetta has supported key priorities for farmers and ranchers.

Representatives from Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Clara counties presented the award.

Dennis Webb

Panetta has been a leader on national farming issues, including the long-delayed Farm Bill, which expired Sept. 30, 2024 to the dismay of farmers across America.

In addition, he made efforts to secure relief programs during natural disasters, such as the funding for water resource infrastructure, aiding agricultural communities in his district.

“Congressman Panetta has always been a strong advocate for Santa Cruz County agriculture,” said Dennis Webb, president, Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. “Even though his District was realigned due to redistricting in 2022, which eliminated some agricultural land, Congressman Panetta continues to be one of our strongest advocates in Washington D.C.”

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