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First Sheriff Inspector General Report: Oct. 28

The County of Santa Cruz will hold a public meeting on Monday, Oct. 28 from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. to discuss the first annual report of the Office of the Inspector General.

The report details the work responding to, investigating, and auditing complaints, reviewing use of force investigations and in custody deaths, community outreach efforts, and direct communications with incarcerated individuals. It also has information on policy changes implemented by the Sheriff’s Office as a result of OIG work and other recommendations for consideration.

The meeting will take place at the Community Room in the basement of 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. Spanish translation services will be available. Participation via Zoom is also available at

The Office of the Inspector General may provide evaluations and make recommendations based on their investigations. Complaints may be filed in several ways, directly to either the Sheriff’s Office or the OIG. Complaints can be received via phone, email, website form, or a written document. Information is available on both the Sheriff’s Office and the OIG’s websites for submitting feedback, whether it is a complaint, comment, suggestion, question or request.

Following the public meeting, the report will be presented to the Board of Supervisors during the Oct. 29 Board meeting.

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