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Help For Homeless Families With Pets

Would you give up your beloved pet if you lost your housing, especially if you thought you would be able to get new housing soon? Pets provide companionship, mental health benefits, and can be a safety measure for people living on the streets.

Between five and ten percent of unhoused community members have pets, and too often, families including pets are discriminated against, judged, and excluded because of their animal companions.

The SHARE Center in Salinas, part of Bay Area Community Services, has a different approach — people can come with their pets, partners, or families, and mental health challenges — there are no barriers to coming indoors.

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One of the SHARE animal residents at the Dec. 14 celebration who will be registered for a wellness exam.

The focus is on getting people housed, while breaking down other barriers that can hold people back, providing mental health support, employment / benefits support, and more. Housing navigators work with clients one-on-one to help them end their cycle of being unhoused and help them find permanent, sustainable housing. The team works with clients for 6 months afterward to ensure they remain stably housed.

A spacious location at 845 E. Laurel Drive, the SHARE Center has a health clinic, counseling offices, library, a commercial kitchen, a multipurpose room, pet kennels, outdoor dining area, children’s play areas, bedrooms, and private family spaces, with room for 125 people.

Currently 13 pets are on site.

In December, BirchBark Foundation, based in Santa Cruz, announced a partnership to provide veterinary care, support services, and supplies to the pets of people on their way from homelessness to housing at the SHARE Center.

This pilot program honors the human-animal bond, while doing “whatever it takes” to uplift local unhoused families and help them stabilize. Dogs, cats, and other pets can get the love and care they need so they, in turn, can provide support and stability to their human families.

The SHARE Center is a “housing fast” program with the goal to get people of the streets and into temporary housing.

“Everybody deserves health and housing,” said Nora Daly, BACS development director, “and in order for BACS to create housing opportunities that last, we take into account the whole person, the whole family structure — including pets. Pets can help make us happier, safer, and less isolated. This program is already bringing joy.”

Birch Bark Foundation provides financial assistance for life-compromising animal crises, pet loss and grief support counseling, and a robust education program to empower people to be the best caregivers of their animal companions.

“We know that the bond with our animals can be one of the most important relationships in our lives,” said Michelle Frampton, BirchBark Foundation executive director.

Funding animal wellness exams upon arrival at SHARE can “ensure a pet and their family are getting the best start to success possible,” she added. “No matter the circumstances in someone’s life, animals are family and need to be protected as such.”

The partnership kicked off with an event at the SHARE Center, building a “tree of hope” decorated with words of love and meaning made by people impacted by their pets and all people who have needed hope during challenging times.

Peace of Mind Dog Rescue and SPCA Monterey County joined the event to honor the partnership and the supports they will offer, such as kennel and behavior training, volunteers transporting pets to veterinary appointments, and the joint veterinary care with Birch Bark Foundation through Peace of Mind Dog Rescue’s Harry and Jaynne Boand Clinic.

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