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HIP Community Forum: Health Careers

The Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County will present its Annual Community Forum, “Growing our Own: Cultivating Health Career Pathways in Santa Cruz County,” noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 at Monschke Hall, Twin Lakes Church, Aptos.

This event, in partnership with the Santa Cruz County Workforce Development Board, comes in the wake of reports that 20% of healthcare workers have left their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic due to stress, burnout and lack of work-life balance. A statewide campaign, Stand Up 4 Nurses, contends the state is short 41,000 nurses because enrollment is limited by the state Board of Registered Nursing.

“We hear from healthcare employers every day that workforce is a top priority,” said Elisa Orona, Executive Director at HIP. “Recruiting, training, and retaining a diverse staff that can serve the community’s healthcare needs is a common goal. At HIP’s annual forum this year we’ll be discussing how to create pathways to well-paying jobs, that stabilize our healthcare system and serve to improve the health and wellbeing of the community. Join us!”

Van Ton-Quinlivan

Keynote speaker is Van Ton-Quinlivan, CEO of Futuro Health in Sacramento and author of WorkforceRx: Agile and Inclusive Strategies for Employers, Educators, and Workers in Unsettled Times.

Formerly executive vice chancellor of the California Community Colleges, Ton-Quinlivan’s work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, and Inside Higher Education. She is an appointee of Gov. Newsom to the Health Workforce Education and Training Council.

Local and statewide experts will share data insights, updates on state funding in the health workforce, and innovative solutions to implement locally. They are: Josh Williams, president at BW Research Partnership, Inc., and Laura Marcus, CEO of Dientes Community Dental Care, and a recorded presentation from Abby Snay, deputy secretary at the state Labor & Workforce Development Agency.

Attendees will learn about the 2022 Santa Cruz County State of the Workforce Report featured July 1 in Aptos Times, state funding for the healthcare workforce, proven strategies that stimulate diversity, and strategies used locally.

“Now is the time to focus our energy, conversations, and actions on nurturing Santa Cruz County’s healthcare workforce,” said Maritza Lara, HIP’s deputy director & health strategist.

County residents, healthcare students, and those working in health, education, business, and faith-based organizations are invited.


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