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Improving Bike and Pedestrian Safety on Soquel

By Supervisor Zach Friend

Over the last few years we’ve been working on ways to improve the bike and pedestrian options along Soquel – specifically the area between State Park Drive and Park Avenue.

We’ve held community discussions with Mar Vista Elementary parents, the California Highway Patrol, Public Works, the Regional Transportation Commission and also local non-profits that work on bike and pedestrian safety issues.

As a result of these meetings some improvements have been made and many more are hoped to be implemented as part of a grant application that will be submitted in the coming spring. We are aiming to increase pedestrian facilities (in particular having a contiguous sidewalk along the northbound side of the road) to improve school pedestrian safety as well as general pedestrian safety along Soquel.

Additionally, improving bike lane visibility and protection along the corridor would be beneficial. In general, increased enforcement to address speed-related issues was also a common request in our community outreach.

What has been done?

In the last few years a few changes have been made to improve safety. Permanent radar feedback signs were installed through a state grant and a new-lit crosswalk was installed near Heather Terrace to connect the bus stop near the Library as well as the north side of the road with a contiguous sidewalk on the southern (Mar Vista Elementary side).

The County also added a keep clear section near Heather Terrace to ensure better visibility in that section during rush hour (this improves visibility of pedestrians crossing at the crosswalk or even across Heather Terrace).

We have received requests for an additional crosswalk on Soquel, however, in discussions with County traffic engineers and CHP it’s believed that it would be difficult to have another safe crossing in between the two protected crossings and that the safest option is to have continuous sidewalks that would connect you to the two-lit/protected crosswalks.

What is Planned?

The County is applying for a congested corridors grant through the Regional Transportation Commission (the funding would come through the state) to connect the sidewalk along the northern (library side) of Soquel. The grant, which is due in a few months, would fund a number of improvements in this corridor if approved.

Specifically, the grant would add new buffered bike lanes on portions of Soquel near Mar Vista Drive, new green bike lanes on Soquel close to Heather Terrace, a new sidewalk between Terrace and Wisteria on the north side of Soquel (this would create a contiguous sidewalk on the north side) and an adaptive signal to the light at the school to improve safety and flow.

Another improvement planned for bike and pedestrian access within this corridor would be the long-awaited Mar Vista Bike and Pedestrian Bridge. This new bridge would connect Mar Vista on the north side of Highway 1 (inland side) with Mar Vista on the coastal side of the highway providing a safe and effective bike and pedestrian option for students in Seacliff wanting to get to Mar Vista Elementary or others looking to access the coast or commercial services.

The Regional Transportation Commission has held recent meetings providing updates on the bridge and it is anticipated be completed in part with Measure D funding in a few years.

All of these improvements are exciting and would add visibility and safety for bikes and pedestrians in that busy corridor.

What other areas are being looked at?

Other areas that connect to the Soquel corridor are also in need of bike and pedestrian improvements. Cabrillo College Drive is used by both students as residents but has only limited sidewalk options. While some of this area is within Caltrans jurisdiction the County has looked into what it would cost for a sidewalk connection to the current sidewalk.

There are some challenges (ravine, riparian and slope challenges on the northern section of the road) and Caltrans right-of-way and width on the southern side (highway side) of the road. But the County has explored grant options for improvements in this area and hasn’t been successful at this point. While Cabrillo College Drive improvements are most likely a longer-term prospect having any element improved (even just sections) would be beneficial.


As always, I appreciate hearing from you. Feel free to stop by my open office hours in Aptos, Corralitos, Watsonville or Seascape or call me at 454-2200.

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