TPG Online Daily

July Triple P classes (Positive Parenting Program)

Caucasian family of four standing in kitchen posing with homework on counter.

Triple P Workshop: Preventing and Managing Disobedience – Watsonville

Reading with DadWednesday, July 1, 5-6 p.m. at La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St., Suite E, Watsonville. Learn why children may be uncooperative, how to give instructions in a way that increases a child’s cooperation, and how to respond calmly and consistently when a child refuses to follow directions.


Triple P 8-Week Group for Families with Children 2-12 years old –Aptos

Thursday, July 2, 6-8 p.m. at Community Bridges, 236 Santa Cruz Ave., Aptos. This free support group provides in-depth parenting information and assistance for families with children 2-12 years old. Attendees will learn what Positive Parenting is and how to incorporate it into their families. (This class meets Thursdays for eight weeks.)


4-week Group: Preventing Tantrums – Watsonville

Wednesdays, July 8-29, 6-7:30 p.m., at La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St., Suite E, Watsonville. Attend this free four-week workshop, which will be conducted in Spanish, to learn strategies to help your child accept limits instead of throwing a tantrum. This group meets Wednesdays for four weeks.


Workshop: Teaching Children to do Chores – Watsonville

6-8 p.m. Thursday, July 9, 6-8 p.m. at La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St., Suite E, Watsonville. Learn tools to help your child to housework, how to make housework less stressful for you and your child, and ways to encourage your child to help around the house. This workshop will be taught in Spanish.


Workshop: Preventing and Managing Disobedience – Watsonville

Thursday, July 30, 5-6 p.m. at La Manzana Community Resources, 521 Main St., Suite E, Watsonville. Learn why children may be uncooperative, how to give instructions in a way that increases a child’s cooperation, and how to respond calmly and consistently when a child refuses to follow directions. This workshop will be taught in Spanish.

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