TPG Online Daily

Lady Hawks Basketball Wins Big!

Lady Hawks Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comBig dreams and hard work have paid off for the 2018 edition of The Cabrillo College Lady Hawks Basketball team. The Lady Hawks won 10 conference games and lost 2 to become Cabrillo’s first conference champions in women’s basketball since 1979.

Lauren Lacy averaged 7 points a game and 9 assists a game. She was the State assist leader. Grace Giguiere averaged 15 points a game and 9 rebounds a game.

Pauli Pappas averaged 20 points a game and 9 rebounds a game to become the MVP for the South Coast Conference. Cabrillo College hasn’t had an MVP in women’s basketball for 35 years.

According to Head Coach John Wilson, “The girls were very talented and played so well together. The team’s hard work and team chemistry was probably the biggest reasons for our success. The leadership from the sophomores and the great play from Pauli was another reason why the team had so much success. All the girls contributed and played a big role to the 20- 5 championship season.”

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