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Mabuhay! Matthew Richard David Valencia

Matthew was born late. He was often running late, but when he arrived, he brought light into the room! It began at his birth. His due date was on Thanksgiving, 1997. Much of the family from Southern California came up to San Jose during Thanksgiving break to be there for his birth.

By Dec. 8, he still had not come, and they all had to return home. Matthew was born at Santa Teresa Hospital on Dec. 10, 1997, on the 7th floor in a room facing east. As soon as he was delivered, the light of sunrise poured into the room illuminating a full head of black wavy hair… and wrinkly skin that looked like he had been in a bathtub too long!

Born to Matt and DeAnna Valencia, he was their little “Sugar Bear” because he always wanted to give and show love. Matthew came into the world with an energy and enthusiasm that his big sister, Rebekah, adored… most of the time.

Matty, as he was known when he was little, had that distinct raspy Valencia voice and a million-dollar smile that won the affection of so many children at Bekah’s school and of the young adults at Calvary Chapel San Jose, where Mom and Dad lived and worked for the first couple of years of his life.

Living in NorCal, the family vacationed every summer and every Christmas with family in SoCal, and it was like a second home to him. Summers in Grandma’s pool provided a feeling of warmth and an environment of love with Grandma, Grandpa, Nonnie, the cousins, Aunties, and Uncles.

The Valencia family moved to Gilroy in 2000 where Dad was planting a new church. Matthew loved playing on the farm and climbing on all the rusty metal of old farm equipment. 3½ years into Matthew’s life, his brother, Josiah, was born on Christmas Eve, just two weeks after Matthew’s birthday. Along with Bo, their cousin, they often celebrated their birthdays together in L.A. after Christmas. Matthew loved being a big brother to Josiah and inspired him to climb trees along the creek in Gilroy before Josiah was quite ready for such feats. The cries of “Maaathewwww!” were often heard as Josiah would try to keep up with his big brother.

Ellie was born when Matthew was almost 8. At times he would do his homework writing with his right hand as he held Ellie on his lap with his left. As Matthew taught himself to play piano, she would mimic him and sing at the top of her lungs. There was so much light and joy in the house when they would sing together. He accompanied Ellie on the piano in her talent show debut playing Castle on a Cloud from Les Misérables.

Abbi was born a couple of years after Ellie. It is so interesting how family dynamics work. Every member loves every other member, but there are special relationships that form amongst siblings. During the past 2 years that Matthew lived at home, he and Abbi became close friends. Their humor, sarcasm, and cringe reactions to anything cringeworthy would often result in the two of them laughing hysterically while DeAnna and Matt just wondered what was happening. Along with Kenny, and Ellie, they loved watching Anime cartoons late into the night.

Matthew attended Pacific West Christian Academy in Gilroy for K-8th grade. He skipped 1st grade because he was already reading and doing math at the 5th grade level in kindergarten. Naturally inquisitive, he was hungry to learn new things that were beyond the curriculum. He got a lead in many church plays because he could memorize huge chunks of lines, but when he first sang a solo in the school play, it was so beautiful that even some of his teachers began to tear up. A “star” was born. He played flag football and scored 5 touchdowns in a game, but he loved basketball and gymnastics too. School president, salutatorian, and “cool kid,” he was so compassionate and carried empathy for others — especially kids who were not always accepted.

The Valencia family moved to Scotts Valley in 2012 and Matthew started at Scotts Valley High School in 9th grade. Athletic and quick, Matthew played football, but he loved the unstructured and free movements of parkour and skating. His freshman year, he tried out for the school musical and wanted to run track, too. The teacher said to DeAnna, “Oh, he’s not going to run track. He can make a living doing this and I do not say that lightly.”

Ambitious and always pushing himself to new limits, Matt V, as they called him, filled his schedule with International Bacalaureate classes, became the ASB Vice President, and won the Mr. Scotts Valley talent contest! He taught himself guitar, piano, ukulele, Photoshop, and After Effects, but good luck getting him to try to teach you. Trying to keep up with him was like trying to keep up with a hummingbird in a hurricane.

While very capable in mathematics, history, philosophy, and writing, his creative genius was his forte. With that, he decided to attend Cal State Fullerton to get a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in acting. When his dad told him Hollywood is filled with actors who are waiters, he said, “I know, and I may have to go back and learn about business or work.”

With fearlessness and energy to face whatever came before him, he launched out. In the past 4 years, he wrote a musical that was produced by the university, wrote a graphic novel, produced multiple CD’s, and acted in several projects and plays.

Matthew, or Mako, as some people came to know him oozed with creativity, dripping from his fingertips and flowing from his heart and mind. The worlds he would create were multi-verses complete with their own species, language, and atmosphere. However, it’s not just his artistic ability and talent that people loved about Matthew; it was the inspiration and encouragement he brought to others.

Nate said, “Matthew knew himself and was free to be himself. He did not expect others to be like him. He wanted each person to be who they were created to be, not who he thought they should be.”

While most of the family was on vacation a couple of weeks ago, Matthew was determined to relaunch his career and moved back to L.A. He never wanted anyone to worry about him. He left with a gleam in his eye and an excitement in his voice about the future. He was our “gift from God.”

Our beautiful and beloved son, grandson, brother, cousin, nephew, and friend, did not get to start those plans as he had anticipated and we are so sad not to be able to hear his music, see him perform, and experience his humor. But most of all, we are sad not to have him here with us. In the past few years, he made such an intentional effort to greet people and then hug them and say “I love you” more often than he ever had. The great majority of people grow out of seeing the world through a lens of excitement and adventure when they become adults, but Matthew continued to see the world with “wonderment.” What Matthew is seeing now finally exceeds his imagination and expectations!

Matthew, until we meet again, save us a place at the Table. We love you too. Mabuhay!

Matthew is survived by his parents DeAnna and Matt Valencia, his siblings Rebekah, Josiah, Elisha, and Abigail, his brother-in-law Nate Hennes, his grandparents Nonnie and Grandpa Rudy, and so many relatives whom he loved. Family was central to his life.

A special thank you to ReGeneration Church for honoring Matthew and supporting his family during this time of grief, to Kelly Cox who organized a GoFundMe in Matthew’s honor, and to the community who has rallied around his family.

In lieu of flowers, the family prefers donations be made to ReGeneration Church with “M.D.V.” in the memo which will be given in his name to an organization to help people through trauma.


Editor’s note: Matthew Valencia died Aug. 27 in Los Angeles County in a freeway crash. Mabuhay is a Filipino greeting that means “be alive.” Find the fundraiser at

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