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New California Laws by Assemblymember Stone

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Mark Stone (D-Monterey Bay) has written the following new laws, which will go into effect on January 1, 2018:

AB 404 (Stone) Foster Care Reforms: The law, which went into effect on January 1, 2016 and becomes fully operational by 2022, gives families who provide foster care targeted training and support so that they are better prepared to care for youth living with them. AB 404 clarifies implementation of continuum of care (CCR).

AB 436 (Stone) San Lorenzo River Flood Project: This new law provides necessary authorizations to the City of Santa Cruz so that final critical improvements can be made to the Flood Project that will help protect against flooding that occurs during severe weather events.

AB 529 (Stone) Juvenile Records: This law requires the automatic sealing of records of individuals who were alleged to be a ward of the juvenile court and had their petition dismissed or not sustained by the court after an adjudication hearing.

AB 597 (Stone) County Data Trusts: This measure allows local government entities and school districts to work together to better support students and to participate in a computerized database system that allows the sharing of aggregate data with select researchers to help improve outcomes for vulnerable children.

AB 790 (Stone) ID for Released Prisoners: This measure provides a reduced fee of $8 for a replacement identification card to eligible inmates leaving prisons or county jails. A valid ID is one of the first steps to successfully reintegrate into the community and avoid recidivating.

AB 1308 (Stone) Parole Review to Reduce Recidivism: This new law makes certain inmates who were 25 years or younger when they committed a crime for which they received a lengthy sentence are eligible for a youth offender parole hearing.

AB 1371 (Stone) Attorney Consultations for Foster Youth: The law ensures that parenting foster youth and wards have the opportunity to consult with their court-appointed counsel prior to voluntarily limiting their custody of their children.

AB 1556 (Stone) Anti-Discrimination for Gender Identity: This measure updates the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) to use gender inclusive language, such as “person” or “employee” from the gendered terms such as “he or she” in order to clarify that transgender and gender non-conforming individuals are fully protected under the law.

AB 1692 (Judiciary Committee) Omnibus: These provisions improve the handling of family law and juvenile court cases, better protect more victims of cyber-abuse, and provide a process to help resolve custody disputes before they go to court.

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