As the oldest family shelter and addiction treatment program in our area, New Life Community Services (New Life) has grown to become a well-established family of services throughout Santa Cruz County. In addition to the state licensed alcohol and drug treatment program and family shelter, New Life also operates Stratton Counseling Services which provides affordable counseling to individuals and families at a satellite location. New Life also provides training for local university and graduate students who are seeking certification in addiction counseling or licensing as Marriage and Family Therapists.
Last year alone, New Life provided over 10,000 days of residential treatment to more than 200 clients; over 2000 days of shelter to more than 100 client families with children; and over 112,000 meals out of its kitchen. New Life depends on a staff of just 6 full-time employees, 20 part-time employees and 15 volunteers to carry out its mission.
New Life uniquely focuses on families with children whether providing shelter services for a desperate family or simply keeping an entire family together during treatment so each member can receive the professional counseling they need.
Current economic conditions have dramatically impacted New Life’s budget which is supported heavily from the Santa Cruz community. With significant cuts in traditional state and county programs, New Life has become an even more important safety net for families, individuals and children who have few options for assistance. During the months of November and December, New Life is conducting its annual Call to Care Campaign.
This year, New Life needs additional contributions to help meets its operating budget for next year. Currently, New Life has a $24,000 challenge grant that will double all contributions up to that amount before January 1st. Your tax-deductible contribution, made at will go a long way in allowing New Life to continue to provide these critically needed services.
Families in crisis often just need temporary housing in a safe and caring environment in order to get back on their feet, and you can be a part of that. How exactly will a contribution help? Generous contributions in any amount will allow an individual or family to begin a New Life, built on a long-term solution — not a quick fix.
Even small donations will help cover costs for food, clean bedding, hygiene products, and a warm environment during the winter.
If the public is interested in learning more about New Life, asking questions, or touring its facilities, there are bi-weekly open house events that consist of a one-hour walk and talk presentation. At these open house events, participants will hear from a board member, a successful graduate of our program, and also receive a behind the scenes guided tour. You may visit New Life’s website for more information on attending an open house at or call (831) 427-1007 for more information