By Ron Kustek
As it looks like we’ll all be living with Covid-19 for the near-term future, your business can’t wait for the virus to magically disappear.
Now more than ever, if you don’t have a website, you don’t have a business. If your website isn’t updated with the most current services you offer or the products you’re selling, you’re losing business. If your website doesn’t have the ability for people to schedule appointments or place online orders, whether for delivery or curbside pickup, then you’re losing even more business. You can’t afford to wait any longer.
Times have changed, and hopefully you spent the last three months problem-solving and quickly implementing solutions. You’ve likely heard of many businesses that had to instantly pivot into something they weren’t. Even the simplest cupcake shop that catered kids parties (which got cancelled) quickly implemented a website and app for online ordering, store pickup — and even home delivery!
Please don’t think that people will just phone your business and ask questions. In today’s busy world, people don’t want to waste their time going through phone prompts, or be put on hold listening to scratchy music while a new and likely unknowledgeable employee walks your store to find out a price, or mumbles while looking it up in a system they’re not familiar with.
And, you’re spending money on that employee who has to answer the phone to deal with a ‘potential’ customer on the phone, when they may have actual customers frustratingly waiting in line for that call to be over, so they can be on their way and spend less time mask-to-mask with an employee they don’t know, in an environment they aren’t 100% sure is safe!
I am all for the personal shopping experience. Humans still need other humans, whether that is to talk to or buy from. But until we get back to not being masked and comfortable anywhere in public, making your website mobile-friendly and e-commerce based will help you satisfy more people right now — who will likely continue to be your returning customer when we are no longer experiencing this pandemic.
And think of the added advantage you will have, each of your customers placing online orders which require their email address and purchase history, telling you how to contact them in the future — just another added bonus to finally getting the website for your business that will help you stay in business and grow your business!
Ron Kustek is a business instructor at Cabrillo College. Email: