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Overnight Closures Hwy 35/Skyline Road

Slip Out Repairs Begin Sunday Night, Oct 1

Overnight Closures Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comSANTA CRUZ/SANTA CLARA COUNTY — Hwy. 35/Skyline Road between the junction of Bear Creek Road/Skyline (PM 3.6) and Thompson Road (PM 4.0, south of 19975 Skyline Rd, Frosty’s Tree Farm and McKenzie Ranch) will require full overnight closures beginning Sunday night, Oct. 1 from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. to repair several slip outs due to the past winter storms.

This repair work is necessary for the safety of the travelers and to improve the condition of the roadway and consists of constructing five soldier pile walls at the slip out locations.

Overnight Closures Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comDetour: Residents north of the closure can use Black Road to Hwy 17. Motorists wanting to reach the northern side of the closure from Bear Creek Road are advised to take Bear Creek Road down to Hwy 17 and back up Black Road.

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