TPG Online Daily

Pajaro Valley Conference

For Spanish Speaking Families of Children with Special Needs

Saturday, January 30th, 2016, Watsonville High School, 250 East Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. (No Childcare Provided)

PVConference_lupe-kids Pajaro Valley Conference Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe 2nd Annual Pajaro Valley Conference organized by SPIN, the Special Parents Information Network, SARC, The San Andreas Regional Center, in partnership with PVUSD Educational Services Division, stemmed out of a high need within the County of Santa Cruz to provide Spanish speaking families with information, support and resources regarding services and rights of their children with different disabilities. The organizers’ main goal is to help parents become advocates and active participants in their children’s lives.

Parents can attend two of the following workshops: “Understanding the Autism Spectrum”, “The Basics of Special Education”, “Integrating into the community”, “Assistive Technology”, “Sibling Workshop”, “Supplemental Security Income (SSI)”,”Putting yourself in the shoes of a person with learning disabilities” and “Supporting one another as a couple.”

The conference’s keynote speaker Efrain Ramirez. Efrain is a parent educator, support group facilitator, consultant, and spokesman against child abuse for the “Child Abuse Prevention Council.” He works to promote the well being of children and their families, with a particular focus in the Spanish speaking community.

The co-sponsors of the conference are: Head Start, Easter Seals Central California, and Triple P/ Positive Discipline.

Elizabeth Chavez, SPIN’s Parent Support and Training Coordinator says, “There is a great need in our community to inform and equip parents who have children with special needs and what better than a conference where all the information they need is in one place and in their native language. We hope to get as many parents to the conference as possible. Knowledge is power, and we want to empower parents and children alike.


Pajaro Valley Conference for Spanish Speaking Families of Children w/Special Needs. Watsonville High School, 250 East Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 – Saturday, January 30, 2016. Time: 8 am to 1 pm


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