TPG Online Daily

Playroom / Toys

Please simplify me, Pam! My kids have so many different toys they play with each day, and the mess is hard to manage.


Playroom Times Publishing Group Inc tpgnonlinedaily.comIt’s never too early to instill the joy of sorting and organizing in kids! They sort blocks, so keep the “fun” going. It can start small with keeping their shoes matched and lined up in their closet, always placing their toothbrush back in the drawer next to Mr. Toothpaste, and making the bed by simply pulling up the covers then rolling out the side like a log.

There are a number of ways to maintain order with toys. First and foremost, be sure you consider how your kids play with toys, coupled with the space you have to contain them. Keep this in mind: “Like things like to be together,” – games, books, stuffies, Legos, blocks, art supplies, dress-up outfits. Be mindful of what you want to look at during non-play times, and what your child (or really, you) can maintain – effortlessly. Books on shelves, either on a bookcase, or, as an artistic focal point on their bedroom wall resting on ledges.

Kids seem to love to make a mess, so toss stuffies, dolls, large action figures in a large, sturdy-sided basket or bin so that the toys can be dumped out, scattered all over the floor, then slam-dunked back, basketball style, into the bin for a pretty satisfying tidying up!

Place pens, crayons, glue and scissors in a portable handled plastic toolbox, ready for little hands to take on the run, along with a plastic expandable pocket file for paper and craft supplies.

To keep your child focused on 1-2 toy types at a time, separate out Legos, Hot Wheels, Shopkins and blocks in their own containers, but rather than trying to figure out where to stash a bunch of hard plastic Rubbermaid bins, use reusable grocery bags, then hang them in the closet or stuff them under the bed.

Create a treasure chest for a magical dress-up experience by keeping ALL outfits, jewelry, crowns, shoes, wands, sabers and capes together for a great unveiling for prince, princesses and super-heros, and get more wear out of fancy holiday dresses and Halloween costumes!


For more about Pam and how to simplify visit: Pam Hudson: • Facebook: Email: • Tel #: 831.706.0516

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