TPG Online Daily

Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network

Trail_Capitola-Village-Cover Scenic Trail Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comThe Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) released the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network (Trail Network) Master Plan.

The Master Plan defines the “rail trail,” a proposed bicycle and pedestrian trail within the Santa Cruz Branch rail line right-of-way and adjacent to the tracks, as the spine of a broader network of trails that will provide connections to activity centers, coastal access points and other key destinations.

The Master Plan corridor stretches the entire length of Santa Cruz County from the San Mateo County line north of Davenport past the Pajaro River in Watsonville and into Monterey County.

The purpose of the EIR is to inform public agency decision-makers and the general public of the significant environmental effects of the project, identify possible ways to minimize the significant effects, and describe and analyze reasonable alternatives to the project. To date, the RTC released a Notice of Preparation and Initial Study for the Draft EIR; held two scoping meetings to gather additional input on the content and focus of the environmental analysis; considered and approved a list of project alternatives to be analyzed in addition to the full project; released the Draft EIR; and held two public meetings to receive input and comments.

The EIR contains a detailed description of the environmental issues relative to the proposed project, identifies environmental impacts, proposed mitigation measures, and residual impacts associated with implementation of the proposed project.

The following potential impacts were analyzed and categorized by their level of significance: • aesthetics • agricultural resources • air quality • biological resources • cultural resources • geology/soils • greenhouse gas emissions • hazards and hazardous materials • hydrology and water quality • noise • transportation/traffic • public safety and services

The EIR did not identify any significant and unavoidable impacts.

Please see the RTC website for the Final EIR. CDs and a limited number of hard copies will be available at the RTC’s Santa Cruz and Watsonville offices. Copies will also available at Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley and Watsonville public libraries. The Final Master Plan is also located on the RTC website, at RTC offices, and libraries.

The RTC will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of the Final Master Plan and certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) and CEQA Findings at the November 7th, 2013 meeting at 9:15 A.M., to be held at the Board of Supervisors Chambers. Public comments may be submitted at the meeting or in writing by noon on Wednesday prior to the meeting to

The RTC also issued a “call for projects” to local jurisdictions for constructing segments of the trail. Approximately $5.3 million is available, which includes federal earmark funds secured by Congressman Sam Farr.


For more information about the Trail Network project, please view the Trail Network project website. Please check this site for the RTC agenda packet or sign up for the RTC’s eNews to receive notification of when RTC agenda packets are posted online.

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