Editor’s Note: As of Aug. 17, Santa Cruz County reported 1,454 COVID-19 cases, including 1,055 active cases, and 33,066 negative tests. More than half the cases are in Watsonville and 58 percent are Latino. This announcement was released Aug. 17.
The County of Santa Cruz Public Health Division is pleased to announce the County has been removed from the state data monitoring list, effective Friday, Aug. 14.
However, counties must be off the data monitoring list for 14 consecutive days for measures and restrictions to be lifted, and no immediate changes to those operations may be implemented at this time.
Any future school openings are subject to decisions by local school boards and administrators.
In counties removed from the data monitoring list, local businesses may only open by order of the State Health Officer. Impacted businesses anticipating to resume operations should prepare by consulting sector-specific guidance, available at https://www.santacruzhealth.org/HSAHome/HSADivisions/PublicHealth/CommunicableDiseaseControl/CoronavirusHome/PublicInformation/ReopeningGuidanceDocuments.aspx.
Businesses are advised that they may enroll in the Blue Check Program attesting to safe business practices for staff and customers, and may download the Public Health face covering sign and other messaging from the Public Health sign/messaging library, available at
Should disease rates increase once more, the County may return to the data monitoring list.
For local information on COVID-19, go to www.santacruzhealth.org/coronavirus, call 211 or text “COVID19” to 211211. Residents may also call (831) 454-4242 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.