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Santa Cruz Trestle Trail Wins Fourth Award

The City of Santa Cruz has received a 2020 Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Award for its San Lorenzo River Parkway Phase III/Trestle Trail Project from the League of California Cities, County Engineers Association of California and California State Association of Counties.

Trestle Trail Times Publishing Group Inc

Before the San Lorenzo River Parkway Phase III/Trestle Trail Project.

The Trestle Trail was recognized with top honors in the “Efficient and Sustainable Bridge Maintenance, Construction and Reconstruction Projects” category among many submissions for creative projects that improve local transportation systems while promoting fiscal and environmental sustainability.

Before May 2019, Santa Cruz cyclists and pedestrians had only a 4-foot wide walkway to cross the railroad trestle bridge—a core city pathway. Thanks to the modifications, they now have a 10-foot wide ADA-compliant passageway providing improved safety and convenience. The Trestle Trail is increasing active transportation while supporting climate action.

The path was widened by cantilevering from the existing railroad trestle, which saved the city more than $4 million compared to an earlier plan that would have required a new bridge. This savings derived from a structural analysis funded by the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County.

After the project is completed.

The Trestle Trail was the historic first segment of the Coastal Rail Trail to be built. The Coastal Rail Trail includes many projects that, together, will provide a 32-mile long separated bicycle/pedestrian path along the coast and is a part of the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission’s Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network Master Plan.

The City is currently constructing Segment 7/Phase I of the Coastal Rail Trail: A paved multi-use path from Natural Bridges Drive to Bay and California streets that is expected to be completed this fall.

This is the fourth award the Trestle Trail has received. It follows the American Public Works Association/Monterey Bay Chapter 2020 Public Works Project Award, the California Trail & Greenways 2020 Merit Award for Reconstruction of Unique Trail Project and an American Council of Engineering Companies/California 2020 Engineering Excellence Merit Award.


Top Photo: Ecology Action bike ambassadors cross the Trestle Trail at the project’s ribbon cutting on May 22, 2019.

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