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Save Our Shores Coastal Cleanup

With the help of 1,540 volunteers, Save Our Shores tackled 56 cleanup sites from Año Nuevo State Beach to Andrew Molera State Park and picked up 6,945 pounds of trash, preventing it from reaching Monterey Bay.

A Family Outing In Seacliff

Volunteers also hauled in 612 pounds of recyclables.

All this happened in three hours on Sept. 21.

Annual Coastal Cleanup Day is part of a larger, international effort for which Save Our Shores is the Monterey Bay regional coordinator.

Save Our Shores has been the regional coordinator of this event since its inception in 1984.

Save Our Shores Program Manager Krista Rogers said, “Every piece of trash we remove is a step towards a healthier planet. Our volunteers’ dedication shows that when we come together, we can make a tangible difference in protecting our precious ecosystems.”


Save Our Shores Executive Director Katie Thompson said, “By joining forces and getting our hands dirty, we’re not just cleaning up — we’re creating a legacy of environmental stewardship.”

Photos Credit: Anaya Sen

TOP PHOTO: A troop of Girl Scouts tackles the cleanup In Seaclif.

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