TPG Online Daily

Saving Storage Space

Under Bathroom Sink

Storage Space Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comHow do I wrangle all the stuff I have under my bathroom sink? I rarely use it, but when I do, I have to dig for it.

If you’re like me, you likely have too many bottles of (almost the right color) fingernail polish, bath salt packets that will make for a perfect soak … someday, travel toiletries that were too enticing to leave at the hotel, umpteen razor cartridges from the Big Box Store, hand creams, foot scrubs, a variety of scented bars of soap, boxes of Band-Aids, ace bandages and more.

Corralling it all in a space-saving, easily-accessible and inexpensive way is simpler than you think, takes about 30 minutes to accomplish, costs very little, and will make finding things a snap! Assuming you have an area for bulk items like toilet paper, shampoo, towels, let’s focus on the smaller, but unruly items. Pick up a dozen clear, lidded food containers at The Dollar Tree Store. They come in various sizes, so buy a mixture of largish square size and of the taller size.

Sort items by type, slip a file card facing out marked with “nails,” “face,” “travel,” “sunscreen,” and stack them in the sink cabinet or place them on a shelf. Everything sorted, and at your fingertips.

Shoe Station / Entryway

We have a “no shoes in the house” rule but I’ve tripped one too many times over the piles of shoes by the door and I need suggestions.

Let’s face it, no one likes to put their shoes away, regardless of the nice cubbies we may have in our closets. It’s human nature to kick off your shoes and leave them exactly right “there,” which is often right at the door, ripe for the tripping. Rather than make a stink with your family to put their shoes away — which is usually “miles away” in their bedrooms — make “putting way” close by.

If you have space in your entryway for a bench, that’s a great spot to also tuck sturdy but decorative baskets underneath, ideally the same style, and one for each family member. No lids, please! Lids often become barriers to putting things away, so pick a basket or bin that’s high enough to hold the shoes, but low enough to easily see inside and toss those smelly shoes right in. Tie something on the front that indicates whose basket it is — a Happy Meal toy for the toddler, a friendship bracelet for the tween, a key for the loved one who stole your heart!


Pam Hudson: • • 831.706.0516

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