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SC Farmers Markets’ Foodshed Event “Rice Dream Ice Cream”

Downtown Farmers’ Market Kendra Baker of The Penny Ice Creamery and Greg Massa ofMassa Organics team up for a fun, free, family friendly event

By Nicole Zahm

September 29th, 2014


20130710_153618Santa Cruz, CA – The Santa Cruz Community Farmers’ Markets is proud to present “Rice Dream, Ice Cream”, the last of the 2014 season Foodshed Project events taking place at the Downtown Farmers’ Market on October 8th. Beginning at 3pm, Massa Organic Ranch owner Greg Massa talks rice cultivation, animal integration and closing the energy loop in agriculture. Then Kendra Baker and Zachary Davis, owners of the Penny Ice Creamery, Assembly and Picnic Basket, spotlight Massa’s delectable grains in an icy, ricey concoction of goodness. Learn how to make it and then taste it. With live music, face painting, a bicycle blender, art table and a foodshed fact hunt run by hired youth graduates from local organization “FoodWhat?!”, this event is free and fun for all ages.

The Foodshed Project is a free summer/fall event series at the Downtown Farmers’ Market which highlights various food issues through mini-classes, tastings, hands-on activities and storytelling the second Wednesday of the month May through October. The majority of presenters at these events are the market’s farmers and food artisans themselves who illuminate the history of specific foods and agricultural practices while putting delicious tastings of honeyed pastries and bubbly melon beverages in the hands of customers.  Successful in 2012 -13 spotlighting acts including the well-loved Route 1 and Swanton Berry Farms, Penny Ice Creamery, El Salchichero, and Brad Briske of La Balena, this year brings another outstanding line up. Our goal is to promote relationship building among farmers, restaurants, residents and organizations through the frame of ecological farming and food justice.

For more information and a full calendar of Foodshed Project events visit us here.

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