TPG Online Daily

School Startup Tips

By Jeff Ursino

SchoolsMatter_schoolbackpacks  School Startup Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comI recently got the opportunity to talk to a group of teachers about the upcoming school year. The conversation quickly turned to what kids needed to do to be prepared and what teachers feel parents could do to get their students started on the right foot. So as the school year starts I thought it would be a good idea to discuss some steps both parents and kids can take for this academic year.

The first observation shared was how important it is for parents and caregivers to communicate how fun and exciting the new school year will be. They felt giving a child a positive outlook on their educational career could only help the student to be more successful. The reality is that our children model our actions and our thoughts. If, as a parent, we talk about how much we enjoyed aspects of school or how much we learned our kids will be more apt to look forward to the new school year. A parent talking well of school and the importance of education will also help the student to focus and concentrate on their studies once school starts.

A second thing parents can do for their children is to encourage self-reliance and standing up for one’s self. School, especially for younger children, can be a daunting experience. If children have a difficult time asking for what they want or standing up for themselves, they may find it difficult to adapt to their new surroundings. Parents encouraging children to use “their words” and stand up for themselves will help to make the transition smoother.

The second advantage to helping your kinds to stand up for themselves is preparing them to deal with bullying in school. Though in recent years an effort has been made to combat this problem it still affects up to 70% of kids according to some studies. Helping your children to say exactly what they feel and letting them know you will always be there for them will help to give your children the self-esteem and confidence to speak up for themselves and say exactly what they mean to say. It also will let the bullies of the world know exactly where they stand when it comes to your kids.

Finally, it was reiterated to me the importance of reading with your children and reviewing math concepts and facts.

It is estimated that it takes a teacher up to two months to bring students back to where they were when they finished the previous school year. However, if parents encourage their kids to read to them during school vacation and review math facts with them, your student will be more able to pick up new concepts introduced in the classroom faster. The summer “Brain Drain” has it is often called, does not need to be a reality for your child. Making a game out of math and encouraging them to use numbers and having your child read to you before they go to bed will not only give parents more one-on-one time with their child it also keeps the skills learned fresh and positive.

For older students picking up a couple of books, at the store or library, that your teenager finds interesting will help to keep their minds ready for learning at school.

August 13 is first day of the academic year. For some students it will be the start of their educational careers while for others it will be the start of their final year of high school. I know that as a parent of three boys, my responsibility is to prepare them to be as successful in school as possible.

Helping our children to have a good attitude about school, encouraging them to stand up for themselves, reading to them, and making learning fun are important steps we can take to ensure their school experience is a good one from the day they start Kindergarten through their senior year in high school.

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