By Sheriff Chris Clark
Editor’s note: Chris Clark, 45, an 18-year veteran of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office and undersheriff for the past two years, took the oath of office as sheriff on Dec. 6 at Cabrillo College, succeeding Jim Hart, who resigned mid-term and recommended Clark’s appointment to the county Board of Supervisors.
Here are Clark’s remarks:
It’s an honor to stand before you today as your new sheriff. As I look ahead to the future, I find it important to acknowledge the foundation that has brought me here — a foundation built on the wisdom, guidance, and camaraderie of so many remarkable men and women who have mentored me throughout my career.
From the supervisors who led by example, to the colleagues who taught me what it means to serve with integrity, their influence has shaped the leader I am today. It’s because of them — many in this room today — that I stand before you.
From the start of my journey, I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by outstanding individuals. Former Lt. Jim Ross and Sheriff Robbins welcomed me into the department as a Deputy Sheriff, soon-to-be Undersheriff Jake Ainsworth opened his home to me as I began my career. Lt. Dimick, my first field training officer, was there for my first and last days of field training — both days that we will never forget.
Former Lt. Morales directed me toward gang training, which opened the door to a career in investigations where I was fortunate to learn and work with Ian Patrick and Dan Freitas. Sheriff Wowak promoted me to my first leadership role as sergeant. Retired deputy Mike Pruger guided me through my transition into supervision, teaching me coroner investigations and even helping my family find a home during a difficult time.
Sheriff Chris Clark’s sons, Mason (from left), Cameron and Jackson, enjoy the proceedings. • Photo Credit: Jondi Gumz
2020 was an extraordinarily tough year for our office, marked by multiple critical incidents, including the loss of Damon. During that time, I was honored to work alongside Jim Ross, Greg Lansdowne, Roy Morales, and Brian Cleveland. Retired undersheriff Mitch Medina showed me not only how to excel in the role of undersheriff, but how to keep family a priority while in leadership. He never missed a call from his wife or kids.
And lastly, Sheriff Hart, who promoted me to lieutenant, chief deputy, and undersheriff. Throughout my career, Sheriff Hart’s mentorship and leadership shaped my sense of duty to protect the health of this office. You entrusted me with handling the press during the CZU fire, a responsibility I did not take lightly. Your legacy of leadership has left a profound mark, and I am committed to building on the strong foundation you established.
All these individuals go to show that our office is grounded in remarkable people—dedicated to serving our communities and upholding the laws where we come from, and it’s this legacy that ensures our future is bright.
To the Deputy Sheriffs Association and Correctional Officers Association, thank you for believing in me.
I also want to recognize partnerships from outside of the Sheriff’s Office that have been instrumental in my career. Our Board of Supervisors, Zach Friend, Bruce McPherson, Justin Cummings, Manu Koenig, and Felipe Hernandez, County Administrative Officer Carlos Palacios — I’ve had the privilege of working closely with all of you and it’s evident you all share a passion for public safety. Thank you to Les Gardner, for your support and guidance.
Thank you to my parents, wife’s parents, and many family and friends here today who traveled from far distances. I appreciate all your support and love throughout my life.
I know there are so many more that have helped me along the way –most importantly, my wife, Sarah. The significant others of first responders carry the heaviest load—the stress, the uncertainty, late dinners, and missed birthdays.
I know inside you’ve probably had some choice words if I was late again, but Sarah, you’ve always met me with more love and support than I ever could have dreamed of. You’ve held everything together, or picked up the pieces, making sure our three boys never missed a practice or homework assignment, and were always understanding when I couldn’t be there. I wouldn’t be standing here today without your love and selflessness — a debt I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay. And to our three boys, Mason, Cameron, and Jackson — I appreciate your patience when your dad missed things — I’m so proud of each of you and the young men you are today. When I leave home every day, it’s you all I can’t wait to get back to.
As your sheriff, I want to tell you I approach this role with the same mindset I have for my own family — I want nothing more than safety, security, and peace of mind for all of you. My commitment is to ensure that our community remains a place where we can all feel safe, where our children can grow up without fear, and where every person is treated with dignity and respect.
I will work tirelessly to address your concerns, to continue to build strong connections between law enforcement and the people we serve, and to seek out creative, collaborative solutions that make us all safer. Together, we will face challenges, but together, we will overcome them.
My promise to you is the well-being of this community will always be the top priority. And at the heart of this work is an amazing team dedicated to keeping this community safe. Thank you for your support and trusting me with this responsibility. I’m honored to serve you all, and I look forward to leading our office into the future.
Cover Photo by Ashley Keehn