TPG Online Daily

Staying Safe

By Mike Conrad, Division Chief Operations Aptos La Selva Fire Protection District

Conrad_defens_space_image Staying Safe Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comHere we are in springtime, we survived El Nino with relative minor problems and while we didn’t break the drought we did get some much-needed rain. As we all know these April showers will bring May flowers. But what is often forgotten is that May flowers dry out and turn brown in June and July. The dry grasses will provide an excellent fuel bed for wildland fires.

As you drive around the area you will see an abundant supply of annual grasses, many are two to three feet tall. These grasses will soon mature, dry and become receptive to ignition.

With the fast approaching summer season and the abundant supply of annual grasses that the rains have provided the Aptos La Selva Fire Protection District and Cal Fire have started our Form LE 100 Fire Hazard Inspection programs to get inspectors out into the field to look for areas that are in need of fuel modifications to reduce the chance of fire.

Now is an excellent time for us all to look over our property and make sure we have taken the necessary steps to prepare our homes for wildfires. Make sure address numbers are visible from the street and driveways are clear of obstructions that would slow or prevent fire equipment from reaching your home.

Don’t be fooled by the rains this winter, the threat of wild fire is still present. As a result of the drought we have a lot of dead and weaken vegetation and trees. We know that sometimes the thought of doing fuel modifications around your home seems like a project that’s just too big to tackle. So let’s review what should be done and ways to do it.

First we need to provide Defensible Space. This is accomplished by establishing two different zones. Zone 1, which is the first 30 feet around your buildings and also the first area you should concentrate working on. Within zone 1 be sure to remove all dead vegetation. Remove dry leaves and tree litter from your yard, roof and gutters. Follow the 10-foot rule with trees, trim branches at least 10 feet from other trees and remove branches that hang over your roof and 10 feet away from your chimney. If you have woodpiles move them out of zone 1 and into zone 2. Zone 1 should be park like with good separation between trees, shrubs and outdoor furniture.

After that is complete move into Zone 2, which would be the next 70 feet or to your property line whichever is less. In zone 2 keep annual grasses cut to a height of no more than 4 inches. Create horizontal and vertical spacing between shrubs and trees, this spacing will depend on how steep a slope your property is located on and can be found on the “Ready for Wildfire” website. In California we should always consider utilizing drought tolerant and fire resistant plants in our landscape.

Now we know what to do, how do we do it? Most important is your safety, if you are not comfortable with operating the tools and equipment you might need to do your fuel modification and provide defensible space find or hire someone who is. Also if climbing ladders or being on the roof is not your thing, again find or hire someone you can. The upfront expense can be very cheap if you were to get hurt.

Something as common as mowing can be done wrong. Mowing should be done in the morning and not during the heat of the day. Every year we see fires that are caused by people who during the hot dry afternoon remember that they have not cut the dry grass yet. As they mow in an attempt to do the right thing their mowing equipment cause a spark and ignites a wild fire.


If you have any questions regarding fuel modifications and providing Defensible Space please contact your local fire department. Our staff and the LE 100 Fire Hazard inspectors are available to answer your questions and help you develop the right plan for your property. Also visit our website at and the Cal Fire Wildfire is Coming Are You Ready? Site at

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