TPG Online Daily

Steve Thomas Brosig: April 28, 1957 ~ April 20, 2015

Aptos paramedic/firefighter lost his battle with leukemia

Obit_SteveBrosig-DaveHerndon-GregGrabost Steve Thomas Brosig Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comSteve was born in Healdsburg, CA, to Roy and Marcella Brosig. The family moved to Ukiah in 1958. Steve graduated from Ukiah High School in 1975.

Steve first realized his life’s calling after saving a friend from a near drowning. He then decided to attend Chico State and became a paramedic. His inner-calm and quiet confidence enabled him to be an effective paramedic and a courageous firefighter during his 25-year career with the Aptos/La Selva Fire Department.

He loved activities that required both mental skill and physical strength (which kept his family constantly worried). He rock-climbed in Yosemite, hang-glided from cliffs, he kayaked the ocean, backpacked, took sail boat trips, windsurfed, among other fun endeavors. Steve especially loved the desert and said that one of his best trips was spending 10 days in the desert alone and not seeing another person the entire trip. On this trip he tells how he befriended a rattlesnake–this is documented with photographs. Steve was an avid photographer and entertained family and friends with slide shows of his many trips. He leaves behind boxes of photos.

Living in the Santa Cruz area, Steve loved his life. His entire life was spent in the service of others; his family, his friends and his service-career which an extension of himself and his way of giving back to the community he loved.

Steve’s life changed in 2000 when he became a father. His love of nature is exceeded only by his love for his daughter Maya, who is carrying on his legacy of strength, resilience, and beauty. He was an absolutely devoted and loving father.

Steve is survived by his wife Tracey, daughter Maya, mother Marcella Brosig, sisters Cindy Basili (Jeff) and Valerie Brosig (Jose’ Fernandes), many nieces (Steve’s life was surrounded by women) Amy Cunningham (Eric Gustufson), Jill Cunningham (Robert Metzger), Kellie Hiatt, Olivia and Lauren Metzger, and so many friends who are like family to us; Jennifer, John and Barb, Franz and Kathleen, Mark, Elise and Thorn, these people gave their all to “Team Brosig” and so many others. Please know that Steve felt honored to be loved and he loved you all back.

Previously deceased by his father, Roy Brosig. The family would also like to extend our gratitude to Stanford Hospital and those who gave so generously of themselves. Steve is sadly missed.

A life well lived is never forgotten, so when you see an orange sunset, think of Steve.

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