TPG Online Daily

The Importance of Being Prepared

By Mike Conrad, Division Chief Operations Aptos La Selva Fire Protection District

stayingsafe_forrestfire Being Prepared Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comAs I write this article I am watching the live feed from the Blue-Cut fire in San Bernardino. This intense fire in a day and a half has consumed 35,000 plus acres and threatened the evacuation of up to 83,000 people. That is approximately 1/3 the population of all of Santa Cruz County. The fire continues to threaten 30,000 homes and businesses.

It just so happens that September is National Preparedness Month, and of course living in California especially after years of drought being prepared for wildland fires in one of many possible calamities we should be prepared for.

A good friend of mine, history professor and author Sandy Lydon expressed to me once that while we live in a wonderful place along the California Coast, Santa Cruz County has more hazards per square mile than any other county in the state. We have almost everything, fire, earthquakes, floods, storms, wind, mudslides, tsunamis and the list goes on. So the best thing we can do is hope for the best but plan for the worst. Fortunately being prepared for all of the possible hazards we face are very similar, so being prepared for one is being prepared for all.

First and foremost you must have a plan. What is your family plan if you need to evacuate? What if your family is separated during an event? Be sure your plan includes a family reunification, either physical or verbal to ensure everyone is accounted for and safe. Remember cell phones and local landlines may be down so have an out of state contact just in case.

Make sure you have an emergency kit and keep it current. Each family is different so your kit should reflect that, but at a minimum you should have the following.

There are many organizations that you can get involved with to not only learn more on how to prepare your home and family but to help others prepare as well. CERT is an excellent program to get involved with and learn not only how to prepare but also how to respond in the event of a disaster.

American Red Cross is also an excellent organization that you can join to learn and help in many ways.

Medical Reserve Corps, Volunteers in Police Service, Fire Corps, Civil Air Patrol, American Radio Relay League and even Meals on Wheels are all great organization. There is something for everyone so get involved.

Let’s take September to become as prepared as we can for whatever is thrown our way. That way while we hope for the best we are prepared for the worst. For more information please visit our website at WWW.APTOSFIRE.COM or visit the websites for The American Red Cross, FEMA, National Weather Service or even the CDC for tips on how to be prepared.

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