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The Joy of a Long Love

By Joyce and Barry Vissell

December 21, 2018 is our 50th wedding anniversary. We got married during a snowstorm in Buffalo, New York at 7pm in the evening. The church was filled with candlelight and poinsettias. My uncle played the organ, my sister-in-law sang and the minister learned Hebrew prayers for our combined Jewish and Christian ceremony.

Long Love Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comWe spoke our own vows, which at that time was unprecedented. It was the happiest day for me, after four years of loving Barry and having people tell us that a Jewish/Christian marriage just cannot work, we were actually doing it. I was marrying the love of my life, the man foretold to me by an inner voice when I was nine years old that said, “You will recognize this man as he will be tall, have dark hair and will be on his way to becoming a doctor. He will know how to hold you when you are crying.”

It wouldn’t be accurate to say that our marriage has been pain and challenge free, because it is far from the truth. Three years into our marriage, Barry had an affair with my best friend at the time, which nearly ended our relationship. We had a baby die before birth that plunged me into a deep grief.

Shortly after the birth of our third child, a massive earthquake hit our area. Our home, with us in it, was totally destroyed and we barely made it out alive. We were homeless for six months because of that earthquake, and living in our camper with our two little girls and our baby.

And yet, throughout all of the challenges, there was this deep love and commitment. Throughout each “fight” and upset we made sure to work completely through to the love that we felt for each other.

Some upsets, like Barry’s affair, took longer, and some of the upsets required professional help. But in each challenge and upset we found that there was more love on the other side.

I so clearly remember an incident thirty-eight years ago. I was in a small natural foods store shopping when a woman who was checking out her items said loudly to the checker, “I bought a very special present for my niece who got married two months ago. I did not even have time to wrap it up and send it when I got word that she was already divorced. What is wrong with young couples these days? Don’t they know that there is great power in working through differences and coming out the other side? Don’t they know that marriage is not always smooth sailing, but has its challenges too?

I came up to the counter and told the woman that I agreed with her and that I felt that commitment in marriage was very important. Of course, there are some situations in a marriage that, without resolution, will require separation, like when a partner has an addiction and refuses to go into recovery or is physically or emotionally abusive.

After leaving the store, I realized that this woman’s words touched me so deeply in my heart that they led to the writing our first book, “The Shared Heart: Relationship Initiations and Celebrations.” In this book, we share some of the darker times in our relationship and how working through these challenges allowed us to move into a deeper love for each other.

From the very beginning told each other that our relationship would be our priority in our lives. Yes, Barry had medical school in the first four years and I was in graduate school and some days we hardly saw each other. Yet our relationship remained the top priority in our hearts and minds. Even after having our three children, our relationship with each other remained our top priority. Yes, the children took up more time especially in the beginning and they were adorably cute and fun, yet our love for each other remained the most important.

Barry and I are in our golden years of our relationship. We still have certain issues that we continue to work on, but for the most part there is such a feeling of love and gratitude to be together. We both feel such an appreciation for how deeply we each committed to the relationship and the willingness to walk through the harder times together. A long love is truly special and well worth all the effort.


Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964 is counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the worlds top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of eight books, including two new books, To Really Love a Woman and To Really Love a Man.

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