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Twin Lakes Church Breaks Record

On Dec. 3, Twin Lakes Church announced a record-breaking amount of funds raised during the Holiday Food & Fund drive for Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County.

The congregation raised $512,725.07 — the largest sum ever donated by an organization during the Holiday Food & Fund Drive and double their goal of $200,000.

This figure translates to 1,530,494 healthy meals.

This is a third of the Food Bank’s goal is to raise enough to provide 4,500,000 meals.

When asked to explain his congregation’s generosity, Pastor Rene Schlaepfer said, “I have a theory. When your imagination is captured by a vision of God’s love, then that overflows from you to others. Loved people love people. I always hope our community sees the love of God showing through churches in practical ways. There are too many religious loud mouths getting negative attention. I hope this helps,” he noted.

He commended Second Harvest as “a beautiful organization that works with many churches and other partners to help people get healthy meals.”

In this campaign, 100% of the money raised goes directly to food, and food distribution in Santa Cruz County and supports the mission of Second Harvest Food Bank to alleviate hunger in the community.

“We are perennially grateful for the generous support from Pastor Rene and the Twin Lakes Church congregation,” said Erica Padilla-Chavez, CEO Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County. “TLC is a true partner in our mission to provide healthy meals to food-insecure families in our community. It’s organizations like this that form the backbone of our community.”

Twin Lakes Church began participating in the food bank’s Holiday Food Drive in 2006. Total donations that first year were $947.70.

Over 17 years, the food bank has captured the heart of Twin Lakes Church and has grown each year.

Second Harvest kicked off this year’s drive at Cabrillo College on Nov. 3. It runs through January 15. This campaign is the largest community-wide fundraiser for The Food Bank and supports year-round food distributions.

Co-chairs are Susan True, CEO of Community Foundation Santa Cruz County, and Dr. Faris Sabbah, county superintendent of schools.


For information

TOP PHOTO: Twin Lakes Church Pastor Rene Schlaepfer, left, announces the food drive success.

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