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Valley Club News: April 2016

Submitted by Jim Melehan

Kiwanis of the Valleys

On February 27, the Kiwanis team emerged victorious at the second annual Scotts Valley Rotary Trivia Challenge held at Bruno’s BBQ. The bottle of Dom Perignon earned through the victory was put to good use at our evening meeting on March 2. Members of team “Knokwanis” were overjoyed to earn bragging rights over more than a dozen other teams comprised of so many Rotary members!

April 2 has been designated as “K Day.” This is an annual day of international service, when Kiwanis Clubs throughout the world participate in local volunteer projects. Kiwanis of the Valleys will devote the day to maintenance and repairs at the Scotts Valley Senior Center.

The club is currently accepting applications for our 2 scholarships. All seniors at SV High, SLV High and PCS are eligible for the Mike Smith scholarship. Members of the Kiwanis affiliated Key Clubs at those same schools may apply for the Grabil scholarship.

Plans for this summer’s Music at Skypark concert series are nearly complete. Members will soon be pounding the pavement to round up new business sponsors. Information is available on our club website:

Kiwanis meets 7:00am every Wednesday morning at Bruno’s BBQ. The second Wednesday of each month is an evening meeting at Bruno’s at 6:30 pm. We invite you to join us.

Exchange Club of Scotts Valley

The Exchange Club of Scotts Valley will be hosting Scotts Valley Police Chief John P. Weiss on March 25th at 5:30Pm at Bruno’s BBQ (upstairs). Chief Weiss has over 25 years of law enforcement experience with the majority of that time in a leadership role within the department. He has often been referred to as a Renaissance Cop, due to his many layered artistic abilities (cartooning, landscape painting, writing, piano). Pulling from years of both artistic endeavors and law enforcement leadership, Chief Weiss will be giving a talk on “Creative Leadership.” Come join us and learn some lessons from the Maestro himself.

Many Thanks to Lee Bess who last month, gave us a very informative update on the progress of the theater being built next to the library. Congratulations to Lee and all Scotts Valley Community Theater Guild supporters!

The Exchange Club of Scotts Valley is beginning to plan our Annual Blue and Gold Banquet, honoring Scotts Valley Police Officer and Fire Fighter of the Year.

Sponsorships from Local Businesses and Citizens help fund the event so that all police and firefighters are able to attend at no charge. If you would like to honor these fine dedicated folks with a sponsorship please let us know. All sponsors are recognized at the event. Please call Chris 462-3293.

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:30 at Bruno’s. All are invited to enjoy a sociable hour with a speaker of local Interest.

Scotts Valley Host Lions Club

Scotts Valley Lions club held a very successful Crab Cioppino Feed this month. We would like to thank all the businesses and community members who donated raffle prizes or attended our event. Our membership increased this month. Dene Bustichi and Gavin Cullen have joined Scotts Valley Lions. We look forward to their input and participation.

Scotts Valley Lions Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Scotts Valley Senior Center at 6:30pm. On the fourth Tuesday of the month, we meet at Tony and Alba’s Restaurant at 6:30pm. If you want to know more about our organization or would like to attend, call Steve @ 234-9104 or email me: Our website is

Scotts Valley Rotary Club

Congratulations to our 2016 Trivia Cup winners who have the cup and bragging rights — Kiwanis of the Valleys! Thanks to all who came out & see you next year.

Darlene De La Cerna, co-chair of the District 5170 Youth Exchange and Santa Cruz Sunrise Rotarian gave us an update on the Rotary Youth Exchange program. The program is currently looking for Housing for inbound exchange student beginning August 2016 for 4-5 months. We need 2 families, so if you (or someone you know) can help, Contact: Charlene McIntyre, or 408-482-8641 cell

Jay Topping from Scotts Valley History Museum spoke to our club about Scotts Valley history and the future for a Scotts Valley museum.

Rotarian Bob Pagett was honored for his generosity to the Rotary Foundation.

Deborah Rice, District 5170 public Image Chair, discussed how we might improve our public image by getting the word out about the good works that our club does.

Scotts Valley Rotarians cooked and served lunch for some 50 seniors on February 19 at the Scotts Valley Senior Center. Lunch organizer Bill Holl prepared the pork tenderloin, and his wife made the key lime pie. Rotary cooks (made the potatoes & cauliflower) and servers were Maria Cherem, Tony Giannotti, Rosanna Herrera, Georgie Hildebrand, Birgit Berr, Patrizia Materassi, Bob Mazurek, Ralph Rauscher, Dick Scoppettone, Laureen Yungmeyer, and Charlene McIntyre.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped us do what we do best – Service about self!

Scotts Valley Rotary presents – James Garner Tribute to Johnny Cash! Saturday, May 21, 8 p.m. at 1500 Green Hills road in Scotts Valley. Tickets on sale now at Brown Paper Tickets.

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