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VCUM Targeted In Mail Theft

VCUMTheft_VCUM-Logo Mail Theft Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comValley Churches United Missions’ Ben Lomond post office box was burglarized on Wednesday evening, April 13.

Because the nonprofit organization is in the midst of their annual Bucks for Hunger fundraising effort, it is assumed that donation checks and cash were taken. The Bucks for Hunger fundraiser was announced in the April 1 Scotts Valley Times and the program’s brochure was mailed the first week of April making it clear why just VCUM was targeted and no other post office box was broken into.

VCUM is working directly with the regional U. S. Postal Inspector and the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department regarding this crime.

If you or someone you know mailed in a donation from Saturday, April 9 to Tuesday, April 12, 2016, they should call VCUM at 831-336-8258, extensions 228 or 229 to verify that the donation was received.

Be advised that Valley Churches United Missions uses only an endorsement stamp on the back of all checks being deposited, and no signature. If a check has been fraudulently cashed, contact the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, Case Agent Inspector Henry Tagba at 408-938-4814. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department is also investigating this crime and can be reached at 831-454-7620, Case #1602932.

“Please be assured that VCUM is extremely diligent in keeping all donations secure and confidential and that this break-in was at the post office and not at our facility.

In over 32 years, this has never happened to us, and we apologize to our donors for any inconvenience.

As of today, the Ben Lomond Post Office is holding all of our mail, and nothing is going into the post office box,” said Lynn Robinson, VCUM’s Executive Director. “We’re beyond dismayed that anyone would steal from an organization that is all about helping people in need. Donations received from Bucks for Hunger fund our many services, and this theft is devastating to us. I sincerely want to thank everyone for their continued generosity and support.”

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