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Writers, Artists Offer Words and Art of Hope

Aptos author Kate Aver Avraham announces a new anthology in response to these challenging times: “Second Wind: Words and Art of Hope and Resilience.”

She is editor along with Melody Culver of Santa Cruz.

Hope Times Publishing Group Inc“It was born as we envisioned a way we might help those so impacted by the pandemic,” said Avraham, who called writers she knew to participate and got a “phenomenal” response.

The anthology has 80 contributors — writers and artists of all ages and backgrounds — mostly from Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties or the Bay Area, but also from other places around the country.

They share what gives them hope, what renews their spirits, and where they have found strength.

These varied voices in prose, poetry and many forms of art speak of how we get through 2020, make the most of our changed lives, and move toward a meaningful future.

Readers will find inspiration, humor and solace.

“Heartache in the Land” explores pandemic experiences and reactions. Sections look at loved ones and family; the political scene; musings of spirit, dreams and visions; creative expression; humor and play; and finally, reflections on the support and healing we receive from the abundant beauty of the natural world.

In the words of one contributor: “This anthology answers your questions about what to do in any difficult time … you gather friends, skills and possibilities, and create something that can tilt the balance of concerns for good.”

The book costs $15 and is available at Bookshop Santa Cruz and

Avraham also has hosted open-air events where the book is available and more may be held in the future.


All of the sales profits will be donated to the Community Foundation Santa Cruz County Covid-19 Relief Fund.

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