By Dene Bustichi, Scotts Valley City Council Member
One of the most asked questions I get is, “What’s going on with the Town Center?” and it’s a good question that deserves a good answer but before I talk about what’s going on now let’s back up and understand what the Town Center is and how we got to where we are today.
In 2006 the Town Center subcommittee which consists of myself and Vice Mayor Randy Johnson recommended to the council to move forward to create a specific plan for the remaining land near and around Sky Park this area has become to be known as the Town Center site.
The Town Center Specific Plan would become the guiding document in what the community would like to see in this area after two years of public hearings, community outreach and involvement. After traffic studies, biological studies, environmental studies and economic studies the Town Center Specific Plan was finally approved in 2008.
What was approved was a very pedestrian friendly, multi-use development of residential housing, retail and restaurants, civic uses including Library and Performing Arts as well as open public space such as a town square and/or town green.
So here it is eight years later and many ask what has happened and when will the Town Center be done?
Two propane companies on two separate properties needed to be purchased and relocated.
- Two property owners reluctant to sell property within the Town Center area.
- Biological report showing wetlands area {actually a drainage ditch} requiring relocation of wetlands area to a new location.
- During the 2008/2009 Recession, the worst in my lifetime, most development stopped for a period of three years within the city. The developer we had signed to a predevelopment agreement pulled out of the project due to the economy.
Progress Made
- Five separate land purchases at the Town Center Site.
- Relocation of the two propane facilities
- Fifty residential units built near the transit center.
- The designation of wetlands area has now been removed as an obstacle.
- 13,000 square foot Library built as Phase One of the Town Center and one of the civic uses designated.
- Construction has started on a 9000 square foot Performing Arts Center as another civic use. Scheduled to be open by summer of 2017.
Next Steps
The Town Center Subcommittee of Vice Mayor Johnson and me have been meeting with developers and retailers for the last 18 months. This includes going to the International Conference of Shopping Centers.
The economy has picked up in such a way that there is renewed interest in the retail component of the center and we are hopeful to bring to the council in a full public meeting a new approach and development and land purchase agreements for the development of the next two phases of the Town Center. This will include a residential, retail and restaurant component as well as a town green open space that will provide connectivity to the Library, Performing Art Center, and Sky Park.
The subcommittee plans to bring new proposals to the full council and for a public hearing on September 7 or September 21.
Once we have firm dates and an agenda ready, we will be getting the word out in local publications and other venues to so the public will have an opportunity to give their opinion and help shape the future of the Town Center. This meeting will be the first of many public hearings on the Town Center. The more input we get from the public the better to make this a fantastic addition to an already great city.