Dear Wharf to Wharf Family,
After careful consideration, Wharf to Wharf Race, Inc. has decided to cancel the 2020 Wharf to Wharf Race and Little Wharf 3-Miler, replacing them with a virtual event.
The Wharf to Wharf Board of Directors made this decision after a review of current local and state government guidelines and public health officials’ recommendations, with the health and safety of the runners, spectators, volunteers, and community as a priority.
We understand that running and community are important aspects of so many people’s health and well-being, particularly in these difficult times, and we want to support you in those efforts.
So, on the 4th Sunday in July, instead of gathering in front of the Giant Dipper and Santa Cruz Wharf, we ask you to join us wherever you may be for the 2020 Virtual Wharf to Wharf 6-Mile Race.
We are in the planning stages right now, and we will release details about this virtual event in the next few weeks.
We are grateful for your support and understanding during this unprecedented crisis, and we hope you will register for the July 26 Virtual Wharf to Wharf Race once details are available.
Thank you,
David Murphy, President, Wharf to Wharf Race, Inc.