The NAACP Santa Cruz County Branch will commemorate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., starting with Youth Day on Saturday, Jan. 13, and ending with a march and commemorative event on Monday, Jan. 15.
All organizations and people who support the dream of Dr. King are invited to come out and march.
Youth Day | Saturday, January 13
The NAACP will sponsor a free afternoon of activities for youth of all ages from noon to 3 p.m. at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. These activities will include interactive booths from youth groups, food, music, and art, all emphasizing youth empowerment. Sign up to table at Youth Day by clicking here.
For more information, contact Amanda, at [email protected].
March and Commemoration | Monday, Jan. 15
The march for the dream will begin at Pacific Avenue and Cathcart Street in Santa Cruz at 10 a.m., walk through downtown Santa Cruz, and end at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St., for a program from 11 a.m. – noon.
Speakers at the Civic will include NAACP Santa Cruz County President Elaine Johnson; State Sen. John Laird (D-Santa Cruz); First Vice President of NAACP Monterey County Vanessa Lopez-Littleton; and Rabbi Paula Marcus of Temple Beth El in Aptos.
You are invited to join the following supporters of the march: Temple Beth El Jewish Community Center, the Resource Center for Nonviolence, Bookshop Santa Cruz, Treehouse Foundation, the Democratic Central Committee, and the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. Find information on group and individual sponsorships online here.
All are welcome to join the march on Jan. 15.
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. Its more than half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, campaigning for equal opportunity and conducting voter mobilization. The NAACP’s principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of minority group citizens of the United States and eliminate race prejudice. The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic processes.
NAACP Santa Cruz County Branch may be reached via email at [email protected] or at
TOP PHOTO: Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at the Lincoln Monument.