TPG Online Daily

Addressing Homelessness in Santa Cruz County

By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District

Homelessness Times Publishing Group Inc tpgonlinedaily.comAs our local affordable housing crisis deepens, one related (and challenging) issue also has grown – the number of housing insecure and homeless individuals living in our community. Homelessness often seems like an intractable issue — from the fact that approximately one-quarter of the nation’s homeless are found in our state to the reality that, locally, the number of homeless has grown significantly in the last few years.

Local Numbers

Here are some local numbers to consider taken from the most recent Santa Cruz County Homeless Census and Survey.

What is Being Done?

The County, local cities, faith-based organizations, non-profit organizations, affordable housing advocates and more have come together to address this issue. The All In Toward a Home for Every County Resident is a County and community strategic plan to prevent, reduce and eventually end homelessness was unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors and all local city councils. The plan has eight data-driven strategic priorities that, as the plan notes, “reflect the most innovative thinking both locally and nationally on how to best address homelessness and its results.”

The core of the strategic priorities is to use an evidence-based vulnerability index and service prioritization tool that works to match specific needs (for individuals and families) with the most appropriate housing and services available. For example, this tool will prioritize those experiencing the longest-term/chronic homeless for services.

Here is a summary of the eight strategic priorities and their intended results:

Transforming the Crisis Response System

Increasing Access to Permanent Housing

Integrating Systems and Community Support

Ending Chronic and Other Adult Homelessness

Ending Family Homelessness

Addressing Needs in South County

Initiating a Response to Youth and Young Adult Homelessness

Ending Veteran Homelessness

Recently a group of community leaders from the County, local cities, faith organizations, non-profit, education and more came together to review the plan again and to showcase ways in which it can continue to be improved and implemented. There is significant recognition of the need to expand housing options and ensure safety net services are provided for our community. As I’ve written about before in previous columns, on the November ballot two measures are also designed to help with housing insecurity, homeless services and affordable housing — Measure G (County/unincorporated area sales tax measure) and Measure H the affordable housing bond.


As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. If you have any questions about the All In Plan or any other issues please feel free to call me at 454-2200.

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