Monte Vista Christian High School Junior Elisabeth Wayne received a prestigious award this week, recognized as Cadet of the Year “for superior performance during the 2013 training year.”
Since she was 13, Elisabeth Wayne has been a member of the US Navy-sponsored youth leadership program, “Sea Cadets.” The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a federally chartered non-profit civilian youth organization for American youth, ages 11 through 17. It instills the values of teamwork, discipline and camaraderie.
“This civilian program promotes the value of an alcohol- and drug-free lifestyle. The kids are exposed to team-centric environment and learn to demand the best from themselves,” says Anthony Saucedo, Commander of the Watsonville-based Chesty Puller USNSCC battalion, who, along with several other volunteer officers, is dedicated to ensuring that local youth can access these outstanding opportunities.
The program provides cadets with not only the motivation and encouragement to pursue their goals, but also concrete assistance in achieving them, with 17 different scholarship funds awarded to exceptional cadets who wish to pursue a college education.
Cadets perform a variety of types of community service benefiting their hometowns, by participating in roadside and park clean-up efforts and volunteering at public libraries and museums. Cadets also provide support to our veterans through outreach programs and honor guard detachments for memorial service.
“The program gave me opportunities that I never thought were possible for a teenager. Through the USNSCC, many of us got our advanced deep water SCUBA diving certification, sailing license, Medical First-Responder certification as well as leadership training and skills, and of course many long-lasting friendships,” says Wayne who has grown through the ranks, from seaman to Petty Officer, 2nd class and lead cadet of her unit.
“I plan to continue my education at a 4-year college that has an ROTC program,” said Wayne, “My plan is to get a law degree and serve in the Navy’s Judge Advocate General corp.”